What Is Feeding Therapy?
Feeding therapy helps with successful eating, drinking, and mealtime engagement. Challenges can include difficulty chewing and managing foods, frequent spilling or difficulty drinking from age appropriate vessels (breast, bottle, or cup), challenges tolerating textures, trouble with staying at the table or participating in mealtime routines, or trouble using age appropriate utensils for self-feeding.
Who Is It For?
Feeding therapy is available to both infants and children from age 0-6 years. It is performed by our trained feeding therapist with skills and knowledge to help a child strengthen their eating, drinking, and mealtime participation skills.
Sign And Symptoms
Yes! At six months old, solid foods can begin to be introduced into baby's diet. It is important to expose your baby to a variety of food with different characteristics to build their oral motor skills and food repertoire as they get older. If a baby under 12 months old is refusing or having trouble accepting any solid foods, they may benefit from a feeding therapy evaluation.
A trained feeding therapist will assess the skill challenges that are related to baby's bottle refusals. A treatment plan is developed to problem solve with the family and address any gross motor or oral motor skill delays that may play a role in baby's challenge with accepting the bottle.
Gagging can be a sign of hyper-sensitivity in the mouth and can be a result of a lack of exposure to different parts of the mouth. This typically occurs due to oral dysfunction, limited exposure to different food textures, or additional sensory processing skill difficulties. A feeding therapy evaluation can further assess the root cause of gagging with foods.
Yes! Often, children will refuse to eat foods that may have a characteristic that's overwhelming to them. This may be related to their oral motor skills if it is too hard for the child to chew and manage a food. It may also be due to sensory processing skill challenges such as the look, smell, texture, or presentation of a food. A feeding therapy evaluation will provide further assessment and treatment plan to address the child's limited food repertoire.
How Can Milk Matters PT Help?
Milk Matters PT offers evaluation and treatment by a trained feeding therapist who specializes in infant, toddler, and childhood feeding difficulties. An evaluation consists of a detailed child history related to feeding; an assessment of oral motor, gross/fine motor, and sensory processing skills related to age appropriate development and feeding skills; and clinical observations of the child's current feeding routine. An individualized treatment plan is developed to address challenges. As a pediatric practice, we utilize fun and engaging strategies to motivate each child while building important skills. Each plan of care is uniquely developed with the family's goals in mind to ensure that each child and family is given the tools and strategies to reach their full potential!